What makes the Matthew 25 Fund different from other funds?

  1. We offer the returns of a big mutual fund, but with the personal customer service of a small business. We communicate regularly with our shareholders, and we are easily accessible.
  2. Mark Mulholland, the Fund’s Portfolio Manager, is one of the largest shareholders of the Fund.
  3. The Fund’s investment style is focused, and has the ability to concentrate its holdings in fewer securities when compared to most mutual funds. The Matthew 25 Fund typically holds between 12 and 30 securities and can own up to 25% of its assets in one security.
  4. The Fund is not restricted by the size of the public companies it may own. It has invested in companies with a market capitalization of $50 million, and companies with a market capitalization of over $100 billion. In addition, the Fund has purchased foreign securities and may do so in the future.

What securities does the Fund currently own?

Securities owned by the fund are subject to change.  Review the recent annual reports to see holdings from December 31st and June 30th.

Are there sales charges or fees associated with buying or redeeming shares of the Matthew 25 Fund?

The Matthew 25 Fund has no sales charges, 12b-1 fees or loads. However, a short-term redemption fee of 2% will be imposed on redemptions of shares that are held for one year or less. The short-term redemption fee is not a load or sales charge because the fee goes directly back into the Fund for the benefit of the remaining shareholders. The Matthew 25 Fund is not intended for short-term or momentum investors.

How long has the Matthew 25 Fund been around?

Since October 16, 1995.

What is the minimum initial investment amount and minimum subsequent purchase amount?

$10,000 for an initial investment and $100 for subsequent purchases.

What is the expense ratio for the Matthew 25 Fund?

For the year ended 12/31/2023 the expense ratio was 1.10%.

Can my investment in the Matthew 25 Fund be an IRA?

Yes. Your shares can be invested as a regular IRA, a Roth IRA, a Simple IRA or a SEP IRA. The Matthew 25 Fund also accepts rollovers from pension and profit sharing plan distributions. Please contact us for specific information at 888-M25-FUND.

Where does the name Matthew 25 come from?

The Matthew 25 Fund is named after the gospel Matthew 25 from The Bible. The Matthew 25 Fund does not consider itself a religious or socially conscious fund. Mark Mulholland started the Fund in 1995 and believed then and believes now that the information contained in the gospel has significance for day-to-day living. Matthew 25 contains three parables, and Mr. Mulholland believes that these parables tell us to be prepared, do your duty, and remember that it does matter how you treat people.

Click here to read the gospel Matthew 25.

Please see the prospectus for complete information, including investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. Read it carefully before you invest or send money.